Al-Quran as Arabic Text and Women's Rights in Public Space; A Pragmatic Study of Women's Contributions to Overcoming the Corona Virus Outbreak


  • A. Muntaha Afandie University of Manouba



speech acts, koran, cognitive linguistics, Arabic pragmatics


Currently, women play an indispensable role in social life. Many have positions of strategic importance. Their contribution is not restricted to the private domain but extends to the public sphere. Not insignificant numbers of people become leaders of organizations, social institutions, political parties, and even nations. However, it is regrettable that many religious leaders continue to place women in subordinate positions, particularly in religion and social life. This study examines the influence of the interpretation of the Arabic text in the Al-Quran on women's freedom of expression in the public domain. This study focuses on their right to join social institutions that help overcome the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. The question is, how does the Al-Qur'an view their freedom to express themselves in the public sphere? To answer this dilemma, we must first return the Al-Quran to its text as general meaning, then reinterpret it to fulfill a different context-appropriate purpose. The question is, how does the Al-Qur'an view their freedom to express themselves in the public sphere? To address this question, we must first return the Al-Quran to its general meaning before transforming it into another purpose that is appropriate for the context. As a result, the research employs linguistics as a science to evaluate interests from numerous angles.


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How to Cite

A. Muntaha Afandie. (2022). Al-Quran as Arabic Text and Women’s Rights in Public Space; A Pragmatic Study of Women’s Contributions to Overcoming the Corona Virus Outbreak. Journal of Arabic Language Studies and Teaching, 2(2), 146–159.