Author Guideline

Author Guideline

All papers submitted to the journal must be written in good English or Arabic. Authors, for whom both English and Arabic are not their native language, are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. 

  1. All manuscripts must be submitted to Jurnal JALSAT, Editorial Office using Online Submission at E-Journal portal address:
  2. where author registers as Author by online. If authors have any problems on the online submission, please contact the Editorial Office at the following email:
  3. Three types of manuscripts are acceptable for publication: Original Research Articles, Short Communication, and Review Articles (not preferable, based on invitation).
  4. Manuscript Template:
  5. The article consists of IMRAD, with about  3500 - 6500 words.
  6. The result of the plagiarism check with Turnitin must be below 20%.
  7. The article is included in one of the scopes of this Journal.
  8. Details of the article can be downloaded in the template or explanation below:


Type Title with Capitalize First Letter; Font Cambria; Size 14; Single Line Spacing; Paragraph Spacing: Above & Below paragraph-0pt

First Author, Second Author, Third Author

First Affiliation, Country

Second Affiliation, Country

First Author’s Email, Second Author’s Email,

Abstract  (Cambria; Size 12; Single space Above-Below 0pt)

Abstract is written in two languages, English and Arabic. An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article. it allows readers to survey the contents of an article quickly and, like a title, it enables persons interested in the document to retrieve it from abstracting and indexing databases. The abstract contains the main problem or research objectives, and showing the approach or method used to solve it, and presenting important findings or conclusions, and implications of research results. Abstracts are presented in a paragraph containing 100-150 words. There should be no spelling, grammar, and expression errors in the language used.

Keywords: Keyword 1; Keyword 2; Keyword 3; Keyword 4

ملخص البحث  {Sakkal Majalla, 14 Single space Above-Below 0pt}

 ملخص البحث مكتوب بلغتين، الإنجليزية والعربية. الملخص هو ملخص موجز وشامل لمحتويات المقالة حيث يسمح للقراء بمسح محتويات المقالة بسرعة. يحتوي الملخص على المشكلات الرئيسية أو أهداف البحث ، ويوضح المنهج أو الطريقة المستخدمة لحلها ، ويعرض النتائج والاستنتاجات الهامة، والآثار المترتبة على نتائج البحث. يتم تقديم الملخصات في فقرة تحتوي على 100-150 كلمة. يجب ألا يكون هناك أخطاء إملائية ونحوية وتعبيرية في اللغة المستخدمة.

الكلمات الرئيسية: الكلمة ألأولى، الكلمة الثانية، الكلمة الثالثة، الكلمة الرابعة


(Cambria, 12, 1,5 Line; 0 Pt) In this section the writer or author presents the background of her or his study supported by the accurate references (use body note with APA Style), Das sein and Das sollen (the ideal versus the reality) and the significant of the study in academic sphere. 

The introduction section of your research paper should include the following:

  • General introduction
  • Problem definition
  • Gaps in the literature
  • Problems solution
  • Study motivation
  • Aims & objectives
  • Significance and advantages of your work


(Cambria, 12, 1,5 Line; 0 Pt) Basically, this section describes the way the research was done. The main materials must be written here: (1) research design; (2) population and samples; (3) sample collection techniques and instrumental development; and (4) data analysis techniques. The specification and type of tools and materials must be written in case the researches have been conducted by using them.

Finding and Discussion

(Cambria, 12, 1,5 Line; 0 Pt) Results should be clear and concise. Discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work and not to repeat them. Please avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.

The results and discussion section of your research paper should include the following:

  • Findings
  • Comparison with prior studies
  • Limitations of your work
  • Casual arguments
  • Speculations
  • Deductive arguments


(Cambria, 12, 1,5 Line; 0 Pt) Conclusions should answer the objectives of research. Tells how your work advances the field from the present state of knowledge. Without clear Conclusions, reviewers and readers will find it difficult to judge the work, and whether or not it merits publication in the journal. Do not repeat the Abstract, or just list experimental results. Provide a clear scientific justification for your work, and indicate possible applications and extensions. You should also suggest future experiments and/or point out those that are underway. The suggestions, which are arranged based on research discussed-findings, are also written in this part. These should be based on practical activities, new theoretical development, and/or advance research.

References (APA Style 7th edition)

Bentley, M., Peerenboom, C. A., Hodge, F. W., Passano, E. B., Warren, H. C., & Washburn, M. F. (1929). Instructions in regard to preparation of manuscript. Psychological Bulletin26(2), 57–63.

Skillin, M. E., & Gay, R. M. (1974). Words into type (3rd ed. rev.). Prentice Hall.

University of Chicago Press. (2017). Chicago manual of style (17th ed.).

Fauzi, M. F., & Anindiati, I. (2019). Tathwir al-Laghaz al-Raqmy li Madah al-Tathbiq al-Sharfy 1 ‘ala al-Hatif al-Mahmul ka al-Tadribat al-Idhafiyyah Kharij al-Fashl al-Dirasy. Buletin Al-Turas, 25(1), 129-139. DOI:

Furqon, M. R., & Fauzi, M. F. (2019). The Values of Educational Character in the Arabic Temples of Qasidah Burdah by Imam Bushiri. Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, 2(1), 67-76. DOI: 

Masqon, D. (2018). Daur al Lughah al Arabiyyah fī ‘Ashr al ‘Aulamah wa Tathbīqihā fī Tathwīr al ‘Ulūm. Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, 1(1), 25-64. DOI: 10.22219/izdihar.v1i1.6562

(We recommend that you use an updated reference (last 5 years). References are referenced from internationally reputed databases (we prefer). These databases include Sciencedirect (, Splinger link (, Taylor and Francis (, Sage Publishing (, Sinta ( ) etc.) Referensces at least 30-40.


Reviewing of manuscripts

Every submitted paper is independently reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers. The decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon their reports/recommendation and made by Editor. If two or more reviewers consider a manuscript unsuitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis for the decision will be sent to the authors within three months of the submission date.


Revision of manuscripts

Manuscripts sent back to the authors for revision should be returned to the editor without delay. Revised manuscripts can be sent to the editorial office through the Online Submission Interface The revised manuscripts returned later than three months will be considered as new submissions.

دليل المؤلف

يجب أن تكون جميع الأوراق المقدمة للمجلة مكتوبة باللغة العربية أو الإنجليزية أو الإندونيسية بشكل جيد. يتم تشجيع المؤلفين الذين لا تعتبر اللغتان الإنجليزية والعربية لغتهم الأم عليهم فحص أوراقهم من قبل المترجمين قبل إرسالها للتحقق من القواعد والوضوح. وألا يكون العمل قد تم نشره أو تقديمه للنشر في مجلة أخرى.

  1. يتم تقديم جميع المقالات عبر مكتب التحرير باستخدام التقديم عبر الإنترنت في عنوان بوابة المجلة الإلكترونية:
  2. يسجل المؤلف كمؤلف عبر الإنترنت. إذا واجه المؤلفون أي مشاكل في التقديم عبر الإنترنت، فيرجى الاتصال بمكتب التحرير على البريد الإلكتروني التالي:
  3. تقبل ثلاثة أنواع من المقالات للنشر: المقالات البحثية الأصلية، والتواصل القصير، ومقالات المراجعة (غير مفضل، بناءً على الدعوة).
  4. نموذج المقالة:



مراجعة المقالات

تتم مراجعة كل ورقة مقدمة بشكل مستقل من قبل اثنين على الأقل من المراجعين الزملاء. يعتمد قرار النشر أو التعديل أو الرفض على تقاريرهم / توصياتهم ويصدرهم المحرر. إذا اعتبر اثنان أو أكثر من المراجعين أن المقالة غير مناسبة للنشر في هذه المجلة، فسيتم إرسال بيان يوضح أساس القرار إلى المؤلفين في غضون ثلاثة أشهر من تاريخ التقديم.


مراجعة المقالات

يجب إعادة المقالات التي يتم إرسالها إلى المؤلفين للمراجعة إلى المحرر دون تأخير. يمكن إرسال المقالات المنقحة إلى مكتب التحرير من خلال واجهة التقديم عبر الإنترنت سيتم اعتبار المقالات المنقحة التي تم إرجاعها بعد ثلاثة أشهر على أنها تسجيل جديد.