Journal of Islamic Thought and Philosophy <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Islamic Thought and Philosophy adalah jurnal <em>peer-reviewed</em> oleh Program Studi Magister Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Jurnal ini menyediakan publikasi Ilmiah untuk penelitian yang berkaitan dengan tema pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat, yang terbit <strong>Juni dan Desember</strong>. Artikel ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan atau bahasa Inggris antara 6000-8000 kata, termasuk teks, semua tabel, dan gambar, catatan, referensi, dan gambar, catatan, referensi, dan lampiran yang dimaksudkan untuk publikasi. Semua kiriman harus menyertakan abstrak (150-200 kata) dan Lima-Enam kata kunci. Kutipan, bagian, dan kata-kata dalam bahasa lokal atau asing harus diberikan penjelasan dalam kurung. Journal Islamic Thought and Philosophy hanya menerima kiriman elektronik. Oleh karena itu, penulis harus login sebelum mengirimkan artikel mereka. Silakan klik di <a href="">sini</a> untuk masuk.</p> Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya en-US Journal of Islamic Thought and Philosophy 2829-5323 <p>The Journal of Islamic Thought and Philosophy provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global exchange of knowledge. This journal is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This license allows others to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.</p> Maqasid Al-Shari’ah is a Divine Shield of Islamic Policy <p>Shari’ah is the divine law for human beings to regulate their lives according to the will of God. In academia, it became a central focus for a large number of Muslim and non-Muslim scholars. Some considered it revealed law while others considered it a Juristic extraction of law known worldwide as jurisprudence. But it is obvious it is divine in nature as elaborated by Muslim scholarship as per need and requirement for human welfare. In the contemporary era under the influence of secular teachings, the Euro-centric scholarship cogitates it as a private affair but relevant to some issues of Muslim life called personal law affairs and rituals but, Muslim scholarship considered standardized law related to all affairs of life from polity to justice so as to achieve nearness of God (taqwa). It is noteworthy that, though Ghazali codified Maqasid al-Shari’ah within five objectives, other scholars included other necessary aspects that govern all affairs of human life, so that no one will be ill-treated. They uphold that it is a human welfare methodology that necessarily, safeguards human interests at local and international levels and makes it incumbent to regulate Muslim life through inclusive and exclusive methods on a priority basis.</p> Ali Muhammad Bhat Copyright (c) 2023 Ali Muhammad Bhat 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 128 150 10.15642/jitp.2023.2.2.128-150 Kontestasi dan Kontekstualisasi Filsafat Islam di Tengah Modernitas <p>Modernity is characterized by the growth and development of science and knowledge since the Renaissance movement occurred. As is known, there is a strong impression that Islamic philosophy has stopped after Ibn Rushd. There are even claims that Islamic philosophy has suffered a setback. This article aims to explain the contextualization of Islamic philosophy in the modern world and answer the challenges of modernity. This article includes qualitative research with a library model. The data is taken from various literature on Islamic philosophy, especially the latest references. Then it was analyzed using Heidegger's facticity hermeneutic method. Application in this study, the author tends to focus on the tendency of readers of various texts related to the topic of this article. The results of this study show that Islamic philosophy is able to respond to the splendor of modernity, namely the presence of a dialogue between tradition and modernity. In this way, intellectual heritage is not defeated by the development of modernity, but is contextualized by way of reconstruction or deconstruction. This reading is interesting because Islamic philosophy should receive special attention in the midst of the onslaught of science and secularization. So that the reading of Islamic philosophy is not obsolete, but needs further contextualization.</p> Mohamad Za'in Fiqron Copyright (c) 2023 Mohamad Za'in Fiqron 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 151 169 10.15642/jitp.2023.2.2.151-169 Imam Syafi’i dan Penolakan Metode Rasional dalam Ilmu Kalam <p>This article discusses Imam Syafi'i's thoughts on the idea of rational methods in kalam science. The rational method used by Mutakalimun, especially the Muktazilah school, placed reason in the dominance of extreme theology. This is clearly a concern for Imam Syafi'i that the belief in deifying reason is a very dangerous thing because it can damage the purity of the faith itself. From this problem, why did the rationalist method later become the main idea of criticism of the doctrine of rationalists such as the Muktazilah who deified the 'aql argument over the naql argument? From this, Imam Syafi'i opposes the existence of kalam scientific thinking methods with basics that are in accordance with the scope of science based on arguments for rejecting the rational approach as the only way to understand faith.</p> Lailatul Fitria Copyright (c) 2023 Lailatul Fitria 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 170 184 10.15642/jitp.2023.2.2.170-184 Paradigma Tafsir Egalitarianisme Zaitunah Subhan dalam Tafsir Kebencian <p>This article talks about Zaitunah Subhan's paradigm, which tries to interpret the verses on the equality of men and women with an egalitarian paradigm. The interpretation of the relationship between men and women, in general, is still dominated by the classical interpretation, which interprets women as originating from the rib of the Prophet Adam. This interpretation has implications for the marginalization of women as second-class creatures. The research results show that Zaitunah Subhan's paradigm in interpreting verses tends to follow the interpretation pattern of contemporary commentators such as Muhammad Abduh and Rasyid Ridha. In the context of Indonesian commentators, Zaitunah Subhan appears in line with the interpretations of Hamka, Quraish Shihab and Mahmud Yunus. These contemporary commentators do not agree with the meaning which states that women were created from the ribs of the Prophet Adam, but were created from one self (nafs wahidah). This meaning of Zaitunah Subhan has implications for opening up space for women to be able to live as equals as men. Men and women are essentially equal, except for devotion to God and the natural biological aspects that exist in women, that is the difference between men and women, more than that it is nothing but social ties that are deliberately created by patriarchy to marginalize women.</p> Husnul Khotimah Copyright (c) 2023 Husnul Khotimah 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 185 207 10.15642/jitp.2023.2.2.185-207 Criticism of Jacques Derrida's Deconstruction Application to Al-Qur'an Verses <p>Derrida's deconstruction is one of the contemporary ideas in the world of philosophy of language. This concept seeks to completely overhaul the meaning of a text so that the reader is not trapped in a meaning that has been constructed for a long time. Studies related to Deconstruction are interesting to be studied from various aspects. In this article, the method used is descriptive analysis and the type of research is literature research. While the problems studied are the definition, background, urgency, and working concept of Deconstruction. In addition, the core of this paper discusses criticism of the application of Deconstruction to the Qur'anic verse contained in one of the articles in the Journal. The results of the study show that Derrida's Deconstruction is a new breakthrough in the world of linguistic philosophy that frees the reader to interpret what is in his mind from the results of reading the text. Other results show that the Deconstruction of Derrida is not suitable for use in the application of Qur'anic verses.</p> Fajriyaturrohmah Fajriyaturrohmah Muhammad Alfreda Daib Insan Labib Copyright (c) 2023 Fajriyaturrohmah Fajriyaturrohmah, Muhammad Alfreda Daib Insan Labib 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 208 218 10.15642/jitp.2023.2.2.208-218 Makna Hari Akhir dalam QS. al-Haqqah Perspektif Semiotika Analitis Charles Sanders Pierce <p>This writing aims to examine the meaning of the Day of Judgment in Surah Al-Haqqah and analyze the vocabulary within it through the semiotics of Charles Sanders Pierce. Pierce's semiotics divides signs based on their relationship between the representamen and the object into three categories: icon, index, and symbol. Surah Al-Haqqah depicts a horrifying and tense atmosphere for those who are disobedient in this world. The depiction of human deeds, both good and bad, is evident. No creature can hide from Him. This research adopts a qualitative approach. The results of the analysis in this study are as follows: out of the fifty-two verses in Surah Al-Haqqah, there are six quoted icons related to the Day of Judgment. Secondly, there are ten scattered indexical quotes within Surah Al-Haqqah. Thirdly, out of the fifty-two verses in Surah Al-Haqqah, the most frequently found signs in the form of symbols, amounting to seventeen verses.</p> Zahrotun Zahrotun Copyright (c) 2023 Zahrotun Zahrotun 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 219 238 10.15642/jitp.2023.2.2.219-238 Analisis Intertekstual Kristeva; antara Metode Ilmiah Rudolf Carnap dan Pemahaman Hadis Muhammad Syuhudi Ismail <p>This study explores the differences in approach between the scientific method and critical discussion of hadith in the thought of Rudolf Carnap and Muhammad Shuhudi Ismail. Carnap emphasized empirical verification, while Shuhudi Ismail highlighted the historical and cultural context in the understanding of hadith. The research aims to analyze the implications and integration of these two approaches in hadith analysis, as well as identify their potential integration in the perspective of Julia Kristeva. This study uses text analysis to compare Carnap and Syuhudi Ismail's perspectives on the scientific method and critical discussion of hadith. The integration of this approach is analyzed through Kristeva's intertextual approach. The results showed a difference between Carnap's approach that focused on empirical verification and rigorous logic and Syuhudi Ismail's contextual approach that emphasized understanding hadith in historical and cultural contexts. The integration of these two perspectives through Kristeva's intertextual analysis allows for a deeper and scientifically strong understanding of understanding in hadith studies.</p> Muhammad Almuttaqin Irwansya Irwansya Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Almuttaqin, Irwansya Irwansya 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 239 258 10.15642/jitp.2023.2.2.239-258