Analysis of Al-‘Ashri Text Book for Arabic Teaching Based on Rushdi Ahmed Tuaima’s Theory




Al-‘Ashri’s book, Tuaima’s Theory., Arabic Learning, Text-Analysis


Learning the Arabic language will only develop if you analyse the materials used in books, and books the one of the latest educational materials in this era. This study aims to discover the book "Al-‘Ashri for Ninth Grade" according to the theory of Rushdi Ahmed Ta'ima. As for the research methodology, the researcher used a descriptive library approach and a data type search, which are the words and sentences in the book. The data sources are the book "Al-‘Ashri for Ninth Grade." The data collection method used for research is reading, classification, and analysis. From analysis, this book is based on the theory of Rushdie Ahmed Tuaima, and his writings have proved that this book is ideal based on the preparation of the materials of the book according to the idea of Rushdie Ahmed Tuaima in the preparation of educational materials. It is the value of the book "Al-‘Ashri for Ninth Grade, "the researcher found notes in some cases, namely: 1) Use of intermediate language in the book, 2) errors in translation and writing. 3) Lack of interest in grammatical analysis training. Of these three conditions, it is necessary to complete it, especially for writers of Arabic for non-native speakers.


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How to Cite

Thaifur, A. N., Sutaman, S., Arifa, Z. ., & Rufaiqoh, E. (2023). Analysis of Al-‘Ashri Text Book for Arabic Teaching Based on Rushdi Ahmed Tuaima’s Theory. Journal of Arabic Language Studies and Teaching, 3(2), 94–110.