Semiotic Analysis of Riffaterre on The Poetry of Qais Wa Laila by Nazik Al-Malaika




Nazik Al-Malaika, Semiotic Riffaterre, Qais wa Laila, Arabic Linguistic


This research describes the poem "Qais wa Laila" using Riffaterre's semiotic theory by Nazik Sadik Al-Malaika. The primary data of this poem is Al-Diwan. This research aims to reveal the broader meaning of the poem through the meaninglessness in the poem's exposition, the results of heuristic reading and hermeneutic reading, determining the matrix, model, variant and hypnogram in the poem entitled "Qais wa Laila" by Nazik al-Malaika with the sub-chapter analysis of riffaterre's semiotic theory that has been mentioned. This research method is a qualitative descriptive literature review. Among the results of this study are: (1) there are many discontinuities in the meaning of a poetic expression in this poem, so many perspectives appear, including similes in the word fi yadil mauti (2) the results of heuristic reading of this poem are advice from the author by telling the pain, madness and futility committed by Qais, (3) the result of the heuristic reading of this poem is that the romance told by other writers about the story of Qais and Laila is considered a useless thing according to the author, depicted through the signs of the choice of diction in his work (4) the matrix of this poem is not to waste time and be stupid, written in the last stanza (5) the variant of this poem is the reinforcement of the author's advice written in stanza 23 (6) the model of this poem is the author's view of love - Qais - which is only the ultimate torment.


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How to Cite

Mushfiroh, D. M. (2023). Semiotic Analysis of Riffaterre on The Poetry of Qais Wa Laila by Nazik Al-Malaika. Journal of Arabic Language Studies and Teaching, 3(2), 151–167.