Socio Justisia writing guide: Jurnal Hukum dan Perubahan Sosial


Every scientific journal should have a clear title. Reading the title will make it easier for readers to know the journal's core without reading the entire journal. For example, the title “customary law”. With such a title, the reader is no less interested in reading it because it does not describe the journal's content. Examples of clear titles include “customary law marriage in Jombang”. This title already more or less reports the journal's scope because it is clear and specific.


The abstract is different from a summary. The abstract section in scientific journals summarises the journal's contents briefly. The abstract here is intended to be explanatory without reference to the journal. The abstract team should present about 250 words summarising the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Do not use abbreviations or citations in the abstract. The abstract should stand alone without footnotes. The abstract is usually written last. Writing an abstract means citing the most important points in each journal section. Then use bullet points to compile a brief description of the Journal that has been created.


The introduction is the statement of the investigated case, which provides the reader with information to understand the purpose of the specification within a larger theoretical framework. This section can also include information about the background of the problem, such as a summary of any research done and how an experiment will help explain or expand knowledge in a general area. All background information gathered from other sources should be excerpted.


This section describes when the experiment has been performed. The researcher explains the research design, data collection methods, and analysis. If the study is conducted in the community, the author describes the research area, location, and work performed. A general rule to remember is that this section should be detailed and clear so the reader has the basic knowledge and techniques to get published.


Here the researcher presents concise data with a review using narrative text, tables, or images. Not all interpretations of the data or inferences from the data should be shown in this section. The data collected in Tables/Figures should be complete narrative text and presented in an easy-to-understand form.


The researcher interprets the data in this section with the patterns and methods outlined. Each variable and the relationship between other variables must include a different explanation of the hypothesis or results that are different or similar to those of other researchers. Distinguishing factors or uniqueness becomes one of the emphases in the discussion.


This section states that the researcher thinks about the data presented relating to the statement in the introduction. A reader should have a good idea of the study by referring to the introduction and conclusion sections, even if it is only the specific details.


Bibliography and footnotes using Mendeley and Zotero. All information (citations) obtained by the researcher should be written alphabetically in this section. This is useful to make it easier for readers who want to refer to the original literature. Authors should cite journals that have been published in this journal.